Friday, January 10, 2014

Feminism for Dummies

How it started...
I used to be the girl that (literally) made all of my guy friends sandwiches and made jokes about how I belonged in the kitchen. Feminism and women's issues were one of the last things I ever thought I would care about. I thought feminists were annoying and made a big deal out of issues that didn't matter. I still had the right to an abortion, so I never thought about needing to protect it. If I made a women's rights joke to my friends, I would get a laugh. I was living in this bubble where I needed to fit in with the guys and maintain the prejudices that are so far ingrained in society that I didn't even know they existed - when they affected me every day.

In my sophomore year of college, two of my friends decided to take a night class to cover a Literary elective and wanted me to take it with them. (Night classes are essentially the worst thing in the world if you don't have someone to commiserate with.) Much to my dismay, they wanted to take "Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies" ...sounds fun, right? For some reason, after a lot of complaining, I agreed to join them. I figured it would be a good place to have a laugh at the professor and some of the crazy shit women wrote essays that made something out of nothing.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

I wish you the best, success, and all that other shit

So we've been toying with the idea of making a blog for a while now. We have a lot of weird conversations about nearly any topic you could think of. We figured we'd throw all of our thoughts together somewhere so we don't forget how we felt about certain things at certain times of our lives. By making one together instead of two separate, you'll be able to see how we both react to the same thing. After one of us writes something, the other one will go on and add their two sense at the bottom of the article. We hope it won't be too polarizing having two people with different writing styles talking about (most likely) very different kinds of topics. Overall, we want to share our life, opinions, activities, and thoughts with people. We think they're kind of neat and maybe you will too.

In a general sense, Chris will talk about critiques of how people act and society at large. He observes and analyzes everything and everyone; you'll see a lot of that stuff here. He has also developed an obsession with building Lego sets, collecting ones that are going to be discontinued, and drawing up his own schematics of Lego designs. He also has a unique music collection and strong opinions about some popular musicians today. He likes movies that "blow your mind" and will be sharing his thoughts on some of them as they come up. He's been an avid documentary-watcher lately as well. Chris was shopping at thrift stores long before Macklemore made it cool. He buys vintage clothing, collects animal tee shirts, and can buy a sweet outfit for very cheap. He likes to buy and restore old hats, as well as customize hats with new brims, buttons, snaps, straps, and patches.

Lauren will probably do some similar types of ranting about society. She studied Literary & Cultural Studies and Sociology as minors in college and tends to base her opinions on popular culture around that. She has a particular passion for feminism and gender issues. Don't let that turn you off - I promise it won't be as whiny and judgmental as most people think feminists are. She also hopes to work on some DIY projects and improve the decor around the apartment. She also has recently become interested in beauty, hair, and makeup. She's nowhere near a "guru" as many people like to call themselves online, but mostly cares about making her fine and frizzy hair not look as awful as it normally does. She'll share her favorite makeup, hair products, and other related tips.

If you don't hate us yet, keep reading for some more shit.
And if you got the Atmosphere lyric as the title, you could totally be our friend. Keep being awesome.